Heide Pfützner (aka HHEM) was the first patient to receive the Brain Painting at Home system. She has been regularly painting since January 2012.

Personal statement from Heide Pfützner

"My name is Heide Pfützner. Inspiration is a part of me that I have been exercing through painting for several years. The diagnosis ALS in 2007 fundamentally changed my life. I am now completely paralysed and require the assistance of artifical respiration. I communicate through eye-movements and also through an eye-tracker system that can make myself understood. Since January 2012 I can paint again with an EEG cap, a Gammabox EEG and 2 computer monitors to create my digital Brain Paintings."citation from startnext crowdfunding page

hhem portrait

Figure 1: Heide Pfützner's portrait (HHEM).

Paintings gallery


Ad Aeternum


Ballon Nacht


Big brother is watching you


Blackbird in Ellenabeich

Pictures displayed 4/29


  • 1939
    born in Neukloster/Mecklenburg (Germany)
  • grown up in Schwerin
  • study English/German language and literature in Leipzig
  • 1962-2008
    teacher of languages in several schools
  • married, children, and interests in travelling, culture and sports
  • 1985-now
    practiced Painting and diverse creative activities
  • 2007
    diagnosed with ALS (amyothrophic lateral sclerosis)
  • Jan. 2012
    started cooperation work with the University of Würzburg and used Brain Painting for the first time
  • Since then
    painting with lots of enthusiasm
  • Mai/June 2013
    created a (Brain-) painting exclusively for the "Psychologie und Gehirn (PUG)" conference in Würzburg
  • July 2013
    1st exhibition in Easdale (Scotland) link
  • July-Dec 2014
    1st German Brain Painting expostion at the VR-Bank FORUM in Würzburg
HHEM, Dr. Elisa Holz and Loic Botrel in Easdale exhibition

Figure 2: HHEM photographed between Loic Botrel and Dr. Elisa Holz during the exhibition in Easdale.

Contact mail: hhem.bp@gmail.com
More pictures to be seen at Heides blog website, see http://www.hhem-on-fire.blogspot.de/